Facebook Messenger Bot
- Customers can use the bot to look up market news, stock quotes, and events
- The bot provides educational videos on topics like 401(k)s and Roth IRAs.
- TD Ameritrade uses three-legged OAuth to allow clients to log into their own accounts on Facebook Messenger.
- If a customer taps “Account,” she’s presented with a login screen that asks for her user name and password.
- Behind the scenes, TD Ameritrade is also using device ID to verify her identity.
- A social media response team of 15 people watches all the interactions and jumps in where they feel human intervention might be called for.
- An internal agile development team built the chatbot with help from two vendors - BlueMetal and Inthechat.
Amazon Alexa Skill
- Available as a “Skill” that customers can add to the Amazon Alexa app
- Functionality includes
- Stock prices
- Quotes
- Market updates
Web Based
- "Virtual Investment Consultant" called Ted. Available in the logged in experience for TD Ameritrade customers
- Answers complex FAQs and provides links to actions
Sources: American Banker, TD Ameritrade - #1 #2